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Why a return to the office brings identity and mental health challenges
Another newer issue is that “the transition from a fully remote to a partially on-site work environment creates substantive cybersecurity concerns based on the ongoing mental health crisis,’’ said IEEE senior member Kayne McGladrey. As some businesses attempt to mandate a return to the office, they should be aware of the mental health challenges employees are facing, he said. “Research shows a significant decline in workers’ mental well-being, resulting in stress and anxiety. These mental states can negatively affect decision-making and lead to cybersecurity lapses.”
6 Strategies for Transitioning to a Digital World
“Identify those elements of your business that are core competitive differentiators,” says Kayne McGladrey, Director of Security and Information Technology. “Focus on improving those. If accounting, cybersecurity, legal affairs, or marketing is not core to your organizational identity, then plan to migrate away from your legacy systems and processes in those areas. Organizations can then focus their limited time and resources on improving what they do well, and what customers value most about those organizations.”
How AI poses a threat to election security
“We can anticipate a significant increase in disinformation and phishing attacks as the United States prepares for early or mail-in voting in the 2024 elections. The majority of these attacks will likely come from cybercriminals spreading disinformation about how and where to vote. This year’s phishing campaigns may be more sophisticated and widespread, as non-native English or Spanish speakers will be able to leverage large language models to produce realistic messaging,” says Kayne McGladrey, IEEE Senior Member.
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“Overwhelmed employees may become discouraged, leading to security nihilism, where they feel that breaches are inevitable and give up on maintaining security measures,” McGladrey said. “This can result in a lack of communication about potential threats, making it harder for security teams to respond effectively.”
Getting AI Right: 3 Challenges for the Future
“We can audit software code, manually or automatically, for privacy defects,” said IEEE Senior Member Kayne McGladrey. “Similarly, we can audit software code for security defects. We cannot currently audit software code for ethical defects or bias, and much of the coming regulation is going to screen the outcomes of AI models for discriminatory outcomes.”
Are You Doing All You Can to Protect Your Confidential Documents?
Kayne McGladrey (@kaynemcgladrey), director of information security services at Integral Partners, notes that, for several years, we’ve been hearing predictions about millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices with poor security joining networks and providing an easy attack vector for third parties.
“Printers are a culturally trusted technology because they’re perceived as not being new,” he says. “However, this doesn’t mean that modern organizations should not consider printers separately from a comprehensive strategy for the IoT.”