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When More is Not Necessarily Better: The Impacts of Multiple Security Tools
“Organizational collaboration is difficult when different data protection tools perform similar functions, as it may be unclear how to allow a collaborator to access or modify data. Something as simple as data classification and labeling becomes overly complex and a nuisance to end users if they need to set a label in multiple locations, particularly when the labels are not consistent across tools.”
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Banks can leverage automation, regulation for cyberattack prevention
Financial institutions can avoid becoming the next victim of a costly cyberattack by leveraging automation and existing legislation. Automation can help to mitigate risk when handling personal client information by storing records efficiently and securely, Kayne McGladrey, field chief information security officer at Hyperproof, told Bank Automation News. “If you don’t automate, that has a cost, because now people are spending their time doing control testing,” he said. “The organizations that recognize that are going to probably spend a lot less time on compliance and have a happier team, because they’re not doing routine stuff that they should have automated.”
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Watch: Supply Chain Congestion: A Golden Opportunity for Hackers
Global supply chains have been under intense strain in recent months, a situation that has been made even worse by the growth of cyber attacks, especially in the form of ransomware. The transportation sector, which has been largely deregulated, needs to adopt recommendations by industry and government organizations for implementing measures that they might have overlooked in years. The price of failing to do so can be high, with ransomware attacks threatening to shut down critical logistics operations for days or even longer.