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“If an organization learns that there is a vulnerability being actively exploited — or that a proof of concept for a vulnerability has been developed and is in the wild — they can accelerate patching the affected, vulnerable assets to reduce the likelihood of a successful attack.”
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An assessment of digital literacy isn’t a one-time event in an organization, according to McGladrey. “This is a continuous cycle for businesses to assess how employees use the tools provided, how they process information, how they’re creating content, and their critical thinking skills,” McGladrey said. And don’t make this a class that’s going to drag people down and eat most of their day, he added. “This continuous assessment process should be buttressed by brief just-in-time learning opportunities. No one wants to sit down for a four-hour digital literacy class for things they do know if they can instead get a five-minute tutorial on a new topic or technique they can apply to their current work.”
Maximizing the Impact of Data Analytics
“Being able to rapidly detect and evict threats is necessary in the modern enterprise to avoid regulatory and legal penalties while protecting confidential data or trade secrets,” says Kayne McGladrey, CISSP (@kaynemcgladrey), cybersecurity strategist at Ascent Solutions.
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“Patching is a reactive strategy, and there are a couple of challenges that have led us to the current situation. One of those challenges is that the market has rewarded companies that develop and produce products rapidly, and the market has shown a willingness to accept post-release patching as an acceptable trade-off. As a result, developers and architects are rewarded by their employers for producing code and architecture very quickly with less thought given to cybersecurity.
“The other significant challenge is that the cybersecurity community is generally homogenous. We have a diversity problem when just 11% of women work in cybersecurity. This lack of diversity in backgrounds and life experiences has influenced the analytic methodologies that are used to evaluate potential security issues with products. This lack of diversity of thought has led to the unfortunate set of expectations that breaches are inevitable, and this situation will continue until the cybersecurity industry does a better job of including diverse voices and opinions in the global conversation about security.”