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The IT exec’s reading list
For creative direction on hiring, Kayne McGladrey, co-founder of Include Cybersecurity, turned to “Who,” by Geoff Smart and Randy Street. “This is a book I consistently recommend to all managers and directors who are responsible for hiring personnel, in that it defines a consistent and repeatable technique for identifying and hiring high-performing candidates,” McGladrey says. “When I started as a manager, I followed a lot of the pseudo-science that I’d seen from prior managers and found it wasn’t reliable advice.”
Member Spotlight: Kayne McGladrey, Director Of Security And IT, Pensar Development
Until we change how we talk and think about cybersecurity, I fear it’s like the Alcoholics Anonymous definition of insanity: doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
We Talk to Global Cybersecurity Influencer and Expert Kayne McGladrey!
We thought it would be a great idea to get Kayne’s take on some key issues facing the world from a cybersecurity perspective, and also learn more about his journey. We get lots of questions from readers about how to break into the cybersecurity industry, how to get their foot in the door, and all manner of other questions relating to getting started. This is why we think it’s so important to share the experiences of those in the industry.
A key ingredient for success in cybersecurity is a passion for all things tech and security. Needless to say, we were also impressed to learn that Kayne has over fifty smart devices and a handful of robots! Let’s take a look at what Kayne had to say:
Three Key Predictions for 2023: The Year of Risk
As we approach 2023, it’s natural to look back on the biggest security events that took place this year and anticipate their effect next year. The previous two years have shown that our world is full of complexity and uncertainty, despite all the advances in data collection, compliance operations automation, and SaaS technology. Risk modelers and analytics experts know we can’t predict or control the world with any degree of certainty, but it’s important to brace ourselves for the upcoming threats and new opportunities the coming year will present. Here are three key risk management predictions we have for 2023 that will shape the risk management industry.
How Awareness, Attention Can Improve Cyber Security
Besides working nights, I learned in my fifteen-minute conversation that Rosa volunteers at an elementary school. She’d met no one who worked in cyber security, and the kids she worked with hadn’t considered it as a career option. They wanted to be rappers, they wanted to be marine biologists; they didn’t know there was a high-paying position called “security operations center analyst.”
Reduce the risk of cyber attacks with frameworks, assessments
Large-scale cyber attacks will continue to pose a substantial risk to companies, individuals and economies in 2022. Several factors contribute to this trend, and unfortunately, policies and technical responses have yet to reduce the frequency and impact of cyber attacks.