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There’s a handy new label to tell you if your gadget is easy to hack or not
On Tuesday, the White House announced that we’ll soon get those IoT labels: The US Cyber Trust Mark, which looks like a shield with a microchip on it, will be on products that have cybersecurity protections. Kayne McGladrey, field CISO for Hyperproof, expressed reservations about the mark. His concern is that Cyber Trust Marked devices could be sold at a premium to account for the increased cost of cybersecurity measures, which could lead to most consumers simply choosing whatever’s cheaper, rendering the program ineffective. He also noted that it won’t address all the devices that pre-date the Cyber Trust Mark and are already in people’s homes. “For example, LED light bulbs have lifespans of tens of thousands of hours, which means that insecure light bulbs will be a feature of the IoT landscape for the coming decade or longer,” McGladrey said in an email.
The Future Workspace: Secure and Collaborative
“The most essential technology for tomorrow’s workspace is a reliable and agreed-upon primary communications technology, with a backup,” says Kayne McGladrey (@kaynemcgladrey), director of Security and IT at Pensar Development. “As organizations recognize the benefits of remote work for employees and contractors, they still need to reach people quickly.”
How Secure Is Your Home Wi-Fi?
When it comes to modern technology, everything is a compromise between convenience and security. Everyone wants fast access to the internet, which is why Wi-Fi is everywhere. But how secure is your home Wi-Fi router? What can you do to protect your network? Something you rarely hear these days is that as long as you follow a few common-sense and easily implemented best practices, you probably have very little to worry about.
KXL-FM (Portland, OR) Radio Interview
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3 Tips to Reduce Cybersecurity Gaps
“Organizations should focus first on protecting heartbeat user identities with strong identity governance, multifactor authentication and privileged command escalation roles,” says Kayne McGladrey (@kaynemcgladrey), director of information security services at Integral Partners.“Nonheartbeat users, such as service accounts and shared accounts, require protection levels that include vaulting and automatic password rotation, on a defined schedule.”
The truth about quantum risk cryptography and being ‘quantum safe’
“This means those organizations facing advanced persistent threats (from nation-states, in particular) now have guidance on how to select quantum-resistant encryption for their highest-secrecy data moving forward,” said Kayne McGladrey, IEEE senior member.