Why security-IT alignment still fails

An organization that doesn’t understand or appreciate security won’t be able to adequately identify and prioritize risk, nor articulate its tolerance for those risks based on business goals and objectives, says Kayne McGladrey, director of security and IT for Pensar Development and a member of the professional association IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

“The CIO won’t see the business impact if there’s not a culture of risk mitigation,” McGladrey says. “A culture where security is seen as someone else’s problem will derail any conversation around security, so the biggest thing for CISOs is to make the conversation with CIOs around risk – not around technologies or shiny objects but around risks to the business.”

DHS-led agency works to visualize, share cyber-risk information

Sharing information about threats can help boost overall cybersecurity by alerting others to those risks, as well as providing successful ways to counteract them, said Kayne McGladrey, national cybersecurity expert, director of security and information technology for Pensar Development, and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

“They could actually see a reduction in those threats that are commodity threats — threats that are crimes of opportunity [vs. targeted attacks],” he said.

7 hot cybersecurity trends (and 4 going cold)

While we hope these points have brought into focus some of the evolving challenges in IT security, we also want to point out that certain best practices will continue to underpin how smart security pros approach problems, no matter what the flavor of the month is. “Enterprises are going back to the basics: patching, inventory management, password policies compliant with recent NIST directives,” says Kayne McGladrey, IEEE Member and Director of Security and Information Technology at Pensar Development. “Enterprises are recognizing that it’s impossible to defend what can’t be seen and that the easiest wins are to keep systems up to date and to protect against credential stuffing attacks.”

6 Strategies for Transitioning to a Digital World

“Identify those elements of your business that are core competitive differentiators,” says Kayne McGladrey, Director of Security and Information Technology. “Focus on improving those. If accounting, cybersecurity, legal affairs, or marketing is not core to your organizational identity, then plan to migrate away from your legacy systems and processes in those areas. Organizations can then focus their limited time and resources on improving what they do well, and what customers value most about those organizations.”

Securing IoT: Whose responsibility is it?

Enterprises and consumers alike are rewarding vendors that produce low-cost, insecure devices, such as $20 IP-based security cameras. It’d be easier for everyone if those consumers instead sent $20 to threat actors who will inevitably compromise those devices, as this would only be a $20 problem.

However, when threat actors conscript thousands of insecure IP-based security cameras into a botnet that can knock major brands off the internet — such as what happened with the Mirai botnet attacks in the fall of 2016, it potentially becomes a multimillion-dollar problem that affects major markets and international relations.

How AI cybersecurity thwarts attacks — and how hackers fight back

“If the end user logs on from Seattle, where their mobile phone and laptop is, a connection from New York would be unusual,” McGladrey explained. “It is also possible to note the typing style and speed of a user and use that biometric signature to determine if the user is legitimate. These data [points] make it more difficult for a threat actor to operate silently in the environment.”

The Phishing Phenomenon: How To Keep Your Head Above Water

Phishing is the lowest cost way for a threat actor to gain access to an organization’s network and assets, according to Kayne McGladrey, an IEEE member and director of Security and IT at Pensar Development. “While it might be fashionable to worry about the latest zero-day, or shadowy nation-state threat actors developing crippling remote exploits, the fact is that it’s cheaper to ask users for their passwords.”

The fact that nearly a billion people had their personal information exposed in November 2018 “has further helped threat actors to develop more compelling and targeted phishing content,’’ McGladrey adds.

6 Tips for Conducting a Digital Literacy Assessment

An assessment of digital literacy isn’t a one-time event in an organization, according to McGladrey. “This is a continuous cycle for businesses to assess how employees use the tools provided, how they process information, how they’re creating content, and their critical thinking skills,” McGladrey said. And don’t make this a class that’s going to drag people down and eat most of their day, he added. “This continuous assessment process should be buttressed by brief just-in-time learning opportunities. No one wants to sit down for a four-hour digital literacy class for things they do know if they can instead get a five-minute tutorial on a new topic or technique they can apply to their current work.”

How can a security automation tool help mitigate unknown threats?

A security automation tool allows people to focus on the more interesting threats — those alerts that have passed a threshold that the automation algorithms can’t sufficiently remediate, or where closing the threat might alert the adversary to a forensic investigation. This is the type of work that security teams enjoy — actively hunting for adversaries and ethically engaging before cleaning up the damages and closing any observed vulnerabilities that were exploited.

How do AI algorithms automate IoT threat detection?

Note that this supposes a certain degree of human interaction with the AI to make judgment calls about whether an unusual behavior is appropriate. My home AI doesn’t have the authority to tell me that my lights shouldn’t talk to my speakers. Instead, it needs my approval, given a default deny policy. This is a good thing, as I’m a compensating control against black swan events or an IoT threat actor training my AI on bad data.