How to Upgrade Your Security Program from ISO 27001:2013 to ISO 27001:2022

Since the initial release of ISO 27001, the threat actor economy has diversified substantially, with both criminal groups and nation states developing and selling offensive cyber products and cyber surveillance solutions. In response, cybersecurity experts have documented and developed best practices and actionable guidance for organizations to effectively manage their cybersecurity risks. ISO 27001:2022 provides a risk-based reference set of information security, cybersecurity, and privacy controls that have been adopted by modern organizations as part of deploying cloud technologies and addressing data protection requirements driven by GDPR.

Are we building cyber vulnerability into EV charging infrastructure?

“Right now, there’s a bit of a Wild West mentality out there,” said Kayne McGladrey, field chief information security officer at security software company Hyperproof and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. “Companies are incentivized for being first to market, not necessarily most secure to market. Because security costs money and because it requires time and resources, naturally that becomes a lower priority.”

It’s Time to Regard Cybersecurity as Human Safety

Cultural change takes time and is a journey, not a destination. Senior leaders, managers, and individual contributors all have a role and responsibility in ensuring that manufacturing companies stay safe from cybersecurity risks. Elevating cyber risks to the same level as safety risks will help companies to comprehensively understand and manage their risks now and in the coming years.

What Are The New Developments In Networking And Connectivity For Security?

The growing acceptance of Zero Trust as a legitimate security architecture is a significant improvement in the past decade for modern cyber security. Although initially maligned as a marketing buzzword, and still unfortunately misused in product announcements, zero trust now reflects table stakes to support the needs of hybrid and fully remote workforces. Network connections should no longer be implicitly trusted because of a user’s location behind a corporate firewall or the use of a company’s VPN. Rather, each transaction and connection from a user and their associated device should be inspected and validated to confirm that the access is appropriate. The ability of network solutions to provide both real-time telemetry and controls, so that an automated and external policy engine can take enforcement actions is also a recent improvement, as networking equipment vendors historically tried to place their products and subscriptions at the center of cyber security strategies. Today’s effective networking solutions integrate well with other solutions to provide one part of a holistic cyber security strategy.

Plugging the gaps: Can the metaverse be a safer place than today’s internet?

“We already have security challenges that we haven’t been able to adequately address,” said Kayne McGladrey, IEEE Senior Member and Field CISO at Hyperproof. “The metaverse is likely to inherit these challenges. For example, phishing and theft of credentials have carried over to the metaverse. We’ve seen NFT and cryptocurrency scams, too, in the metaverse.”

Cloud, 5G to be Decisive Technology Trends in 2023: Study

While homomorphic encryption can require lots of computing power, it has a few big upsides. For one thing, according to Kayne McGladrey, IEEE Senior Member, it allows companies in highly regulated industries, such as finance or healthcare, to store data on a public cloud. “As the data remains encrypted in all phases, even a data breach of a third party will not provide a threat actor with access to encrypted data,” McGladrey said.

Best practices for cryptocurrency firms and digital currency firms managing money

Based on the Consent Order, firms in this space should be prepared to demonstrate to NYDFS how their compliance programs meet the standards outlined in DFS regulations, particularly the Virtual Currency Regulation, the Money Transmitter Regulation, the Cybersecurity Regulation, and the Transactions Monitoring Regulation. Firms should also ensure that they have documented policies and procedures required by the Cybersecurity Regulation.

4 Stakeholders Critical to Addressing the Cybersecurity Workforce Gap

In 2010, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published the report “A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity,” which noted “there are about 1,000 security people in the US who have the specialized security skills to operate effectively in cyberspace. We need 10,000 to 30,000.” Twelve years later, the Cyberspace Solarium Commission 2.0 Workforce Development Agenda for the National Cyber Director observed that “in the United States, there are almost 600,000 open cybersecurity jobs across the private sector and federal, state, and local governments — a remarkable gap considering that the field currently employs just over a million professionals.” This is not an encouraging trend.

What Thoma Bravo’s latest acquisition reveals about identity management

Identity management of users and devices is key for CISOs to manage the risks associated with unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems, according to Kayne McGladrey, Field CISO at Hyperproof and IEEE senior member. “From a control operations standpoint, the two most important capabilities are the ability to validate a user’s behavior when it deviates from the norm, and the ability to quickly de-provision access when it is no longer needed,’’ McGladrey told VentureBeat.

For example, if a user regularly logs in from Washington State using their Windows-powered computer to access a single program, there’s little reason to prompt them for a second authentication factor, he said. “But when the device changes, perhaps a new Mac computer that’s not configured correctly, or their location suddenly changes to Australia, they should be prompted for multifactor authentication as part of identity validation before being allowed to access those data,” McGladrey said. When a user leaves an organization, their identity access should be rapidly revoked across all platforms and devices. Otherwise, organizations run the risk of a threat actor using the older access and credentials, McGladrey added.

Banks can leverage automation, regulation for cyberattack prevention

Financial institutions can avoid becoming the next victim of a costly cyberattack by leveraging automation and existing legislation. Automation can help to mitigate risk when handling personal client information by storing records efficiently and securely, Kayne McGladrey, field chief information security officer at Hyperproof, told Bank Automation News. “If you don’t automate, that has a cost, because now people are spending their time doing control testing,” he said. “The organizations that recognize that are going to probably spend a lot less time on compliance and have a happier team, because they’re not doing routine stuff that they should have automated.”