Are You Doing All You Can to Protect Your Confidential Documents?

Kayne McGladrey (@kaynemcgladrey), director of information security services at Integral Partners, notes that, for several years, we’ve been hearing predictions about millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices with poor security joining networks and providing an easy attack vector for third parties.

“Printers are a culturally trusted technology because they’re perceived as not being new,” he says. “However, this doesn’t mean that modern organizations should not consider printers separately from a comprehensive strategy for the IoT.”


Do you feel like you are overwhelmed trying to run your business while defending against the latest cyber threats? Join Kayne McGladrey, speaker, author and Director of Information Security Services for Integral Partners ( for our upcoming presentation on taking a proactive, risk-oriented approach to cyber security for individual consultants and small businesses.

Kayne will discuss:

– Why you should manage risks based on user identity instead of chasing the latest threats

– How individual consultants can protect themselves

– A vendor-neutral reference architecture for cyber security at small businesses

We will have time for Q&A at the end of the presentation.

A lack of communications enables breaches and helps derail cybersecurity projects

When planning any migration or deployment of new technology, businesses should carefully consider the best way to communicate the intent and need of the new technology to those users affected by it, as well as to those who work in supporting roles. This article will examine the effects of communication (and lack thereof) on two different client projects.

The Scary Reason Companies Like Verizon Keep Blowing Your Digital Privacy

Even software developers often lack formal security training, says Kayne McGladrey, director of information security services at Boulder, Colorado security consulting firm Integral Partners. And even those who do can face pressure to roll code out quickly from employers impatient to see new features and fixes in production, he says.

The future looks bright if Generation AI can address cybersecurity

There’s quite a lot of optimism in Generation AI, the IEEE study of millennial parent’s attitudes about artificial intelligence. The findings of the study are evolutionary, not revolutionary, as views towards artificial intelligence have become more refined over the years. However, the optimism shown in this study pre-supposes that we can move past our current cybersecurity issues.